EncoderMI: Membership Inference against Pre-trained Encoders in Contrastive Learning

Abstract in English

Given a set of unlabeled images or (image, text) pairs, contrastive learning aims to pre-train an image encoder that can be used as a feature extractor for many downstream tasks. In this work, we propose EncoderMI, the first membership inference method against image encoders pre-trained by contrastive learning. In particular, given an input and a black-box access to an image encoder, EncoderMI aims to infer whether the input is in the training dataset of the image encoder. EncoderMI can be used 1) by a data owner to audit whether its (public) data was used to pre-train an image encoder without its authorization or 2) by an attacker to compromise privacy of the training data when it is private/sensitive. Our EncoderMI exploits the overfitting of the image encoder towards its training data. In particular, an overfitted image encoder is more likely to output more (or less) similar feature vectors for two augmente
