Quasi-upward Planar Drawings with Minimum Curve Complexity

Abstract in English

This paper studies the problem of computing quasi-upward planar drawings of bimodal plane digraphs with minimum curve complexity, i.e., drawings such that the maximum number of bends per edge is minimized. We prove that every bimodal plane digraph admits a quasi-upward planar drawing with curve complexity two, which is worst-case optimal. We also show that the problem of minimizing the curve complexity in a quasi-upward planar drawing can be modeled as a min-cost flow problem on a unit-capacity planar flow network. This gives rise to an $tilde{O}(m^frac{4}{3})$-time algorithm that computes a quasi-upward planar drawing with minimum curve complexity; in addition, the drawing has the minimum number of bends when no edge can be bent more than twice. For a contrast, we show bimodal planar digraphs whose bend-minimum quasi-upward planar drawings require linear curve complexity even in the variable embedding setting.
