Label-free chip-based evanescent light scattering super-resolution and superior-contrast optical microscopy (cELS)

Abstract in English

Chip-based Evanescent Light Scattering (cELS) utilizes the multiple modes of a high-index contrast optical waveguide to provide a near-field illumination for unlabeled samples. The scattered light off the sample is engineered to have random phase differences within the integration time of the camera to mitigate the coherent speckle noise, thus enabling label-free superior-contrast imaging of weakly scattering nanosized specimens such as extra-cellular vesicles (EVs) and liposomes, dynamics of living HeLa cells etc. The article explains and validates experimentally the physics behind cELS, by demonstrating a wide highly multi-moded straight waveguide as a partially coherent light source. Next, to circumvent the diffraction-limit in cELS, intensity-fluctuation based algorithms are employed with spatially incoherent light engineered via multiple-arms waveguide chip. The proof-of-concept results are demonstrated on 100 nm polystyrene beads. We believe cELS will further propel the nascent field of label-free super-resolution microscopy finding applications in cell biology.
