Hermitian chiral boundary states in non-Hermitian topological insulators

Abstract in English

Eigenenergies of a non-Hermitian system without parity-time symmetry are complex in general. Here, we show that the chiral boundary states of non-Hermitian topological insulators without parity-time symmetry can be Hermitian with real eigenenergies under certain conditions. Our finding allows one to construct Hermitian chiral edge and hinge states from non-Hermitian two-dimensional Chern insulators and three-dimensional second-order topological insulators, respectively. Such Hermitian chiral boundary channels have perfect transmission coefficients (quantized values) and are robust against disorders. Furthermore, a non-Hermitian topological insulator can undergo the topological Anderson insulator transition from a topological trivial non-Hermitian metal or insulator to a topological Anderson insulator with quantized transmission coefficients at finite disorders.
