3-dimensional QCD phase diagram with pion condensate in the NJL model

Abstract in English

With the isovector coupling constants adjusted to reproduce the physical pion mass and lattice QCD results in baryon-free quark matter, we have carried out rigourous calculations for the pion condensate in the 3-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, and studied the 3-dimensional QCD phase diagram. With the increasing isospin chemical potential $mu_I$, we have observed two nonzero solutions of the pion condensate at finite baryon chemical potentials $mu_B$, representing respectively the pion superfluid phase and the Sarma phase, and their appearance and disappearance correspond to a second-order (first-order) phase transition at higher (lower) temperatures $T$ and lower (higher) $mu_B$. Calculations by assuming equal constituent mass of $u$ and $d$ quarks would lead to large errors of the QCD phase diagram within $mu_B in (500, 900)$ MeV, and affect the position of the critical end point.
