Newly synthesized 3D boron-rich chalcogenides B12X (X = S, Se): Theoretical characterization of physical properties for optoelectronic and mechanical applications

Abstract in English

Boron rich chalcogenides have been predicted to have excellent properties for optical and mechanical applications in recent times. In this regard, we report the electronic, optical and mechanical properties of recently synthesized boron rich chalcogenide compounds, B12X (X = S and Se) using density functional theory for the first time. The effects of exchange and correlation functional on these properties are also investigated. The consistency of the obtained crystal structure with the reported experimental results has been checked in terms of lattice parameters. The considered materials are mechanically stable, brittle and elastically anisotropic. Furthermore, the elastic moduli and hardness parameters are calculated, which show that B12S is likely to be a prominent member of hard materials family compared to B12Se. The origin of different in hardness is explained on the basis of density of states near the Fermi level. Reasonably good values of fracture toughness and machinability index for B12X (X= S and Se) are reported. The melting point, Tm for the B12S and B12Se compounds suggests that both solids are stable, at least up to 4208 and 3577 K, respectively. Indirect band gap of B12S (2.27 eV) and B12Se (1.30 eV) are obtained using the HSE06 functional.The electrons of B12Se compound show lighter average effective mass compared to that of B12S compound, which signifies higher mobility of charge carriers in B12Se. The optical properties are characterized using GGA-PBE and HSE06 method and discussed in detail. These compounds possess bulk optical anisotropy and excellent absorption coefficients in visible light region along with very low static value of reflectivity spectra (range: 7.42-14.0% using both functionals) are noted. Such useful features of the compounds under investigation show promise for applications in optoelectronic and mechanical sectors.
