De Finetti Theorems for Quantum Conditional Probability Distributions with Symmetry

Abstract in English

The aim of device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD) is to study protocols that allow the generation of a secret shared key between two parties under minimal assumptions on the devices that produce the key. These devices are merely modeled as black boxes and mathematically described as conditional probability distributions. A major obstacle in the analysis of DIQKD protocols is the huge space of possible black box behaviors. De Finetti theorems can help to overcome this problem by reducing the analysis to black boxes that have an iid structure. Here we show two new de Finetti theorems that relate conditional probability distributions in the quantum set to de Finetti distributions (convex combinations of iid distributions), that are themselves in the quantum set. We also show how one of these de Finetti theorems can be used to enforce some restrictions onto the attacker of a DIQKD protocol. Finally we observe that some desirable strengthenings of this restriction, for instance to collective attacks only, are not straightforwardly possible.
