Multi-Anchor Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

Abstract in English

Unsupervised domain adaption has proven to be an effective approach for alleviating the intensive workload of manual annotation by aligning the synthetic source-domain data and the real-world target-domain samples. Unfortunately, mapping the target-domain distribution to the source-domain unconditionally may distort the essential structural information of the target-domain data. To this end, we firstly propose to introduce a novel multi-anchor based active learning strategy to assist domain adaptation regarding the semantic segmentation task. By innovatively adopting multiple anchors instead of a single centroid, the source domain can be better characterized as a multimodal distribution, thus more representative and complimentary samples are selected from the target domain. With little workload to manually annotate these active samples, the distortion of the target-domain distribution can be effectively alleviated, resulting in a large performance gain. The multi-anchor strategy is additionally employed to model the target-distribution. By regularizing the latent representation of the target samples compact around multiple anchors through a novel soft alignment loss, more precise segmentation can be achieved. Extensive experiments are conducted on public datasets to demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods significantly, along with thorough ablation study to verify the effectiveness of each component.
