Asymmetric Transport in Long-Range Interacting Chiral Spin Chains

Abstract in English

Harnessing power-law interactions ($1/r^alpha$) in a large variety of physical systems are increasing. We study the dynamics of chiral spin chains as a possible multi-directional quantum channel. This arises from the nonlinear character of the dispersion with complex quantum interference effects. Using complementary numerically and analytical techniques, we engineer models to transfer quantum states. We illustrate our approach using the long-range XXZ model modulated by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. With exploring non-equilibrium dynamics after a local quantum quench, we identify at fully nonlocal regime (which breaks generalized Lieb-Robinson bounds ) the interplay of interaction range $alpha$ and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling gives rise to spatially asymmetric spin excitations transport. This could be interesting for quantum information protocols to transfer quantum states and maybe testable with current trapped-ion experiments. We further explore the growth of block entanglement entropy in these systems and the order of magnitude reduction distinguished. A possible effective interaction induces by DM coupling and integrability breaking in these systems is discussed.
