Central spin dynamics and relaxation of antiferromagnetic order in a central-spin$-$XXZ-chain system

Abstract in English

Using an equations-of-motion method based on analytical representations of spin-operator matrix elements in the XX chain, we obtain exact long-time dynamics of a composite system consisting of a spin-$S$ central spin and an XXZ chain, with the two interacting via inhomogeneous XXZ-type hyperfine coupling. Three types of initial bath states, namely, the Neel state, the ground state, and the spin coherent state are considered. We study the reduced dynamics of both the central spin and the XXZ bath. For the Neel state, we find that strong hyperfine couplings slow down the initial decay but facilitate the long-time relaxation of the antiferromagnetic order. Moreover, for fixed hyperfine coupling a larger $S$ leads to a faster initial decay of the antiferromagnetic order. We then study the purity dynamics of an $S=1$ central spin coupled to an XXZ chain prepared in the ground state. The time-dependent purity is found to reach the highest values at the critical point. We finally study the polarization dynamics of the central spin homogeneously coupled to a bath prepared in the spin coherent state. Under the resonant condition, the polarization dynamics for $S>frac{1}{2}$ exhibits collapse-revival behaviors with fine structures. However, the collapse-revival phenomena is found to be fragile with respect to the anisotropic intrabath coupling.
