On-chip multi-color microdisk laser on Yb3+-doped thin-film lithium niobate

Abstract in English

We demonstrate an on-chip Yb3+-doped lithium niobate (LN) microdisk laser. The intrinsic quality factors of the fabricated Yb3+-doped LN microdisk resonator are measured up to 3.79x10^5 at 976 nm wavelength and 1.1x10^6 at 1514 nm wavelength. The multi-mode laser emissions are obtained in a band from 1020 nm to 1070 nm pumped by 984 nm laser and with the low threshold of 103 {mu}W, resulting in a slope efficiency of 0.53% at room temperature. Furthermore, the second-harmonic frequency of pump light and the sum-frequency of the pump light and laser emissions are both generated in the on-chip Yb3+-doped LN microdisk benefited from the strong c{hi}(2) nonlinearity of LN. These microdisk lasers are expected to contribute to the high-density integration of LNOI-based photonic chip.
