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A proof of the Palamodovs total instability conjecture

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Authors J. M. Burgos

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We give for the first time a detailed proof of the Palamodovs total instability conjecture in Lagrangian dynamics. This proves an older related Lyapunov instability conjecture posed by Lyapunov and Arnold and reduces the Lagrange-Dirichlet converse problem in the class of real analytic potentials to the Lyapunov instability of non strict minimum critical points. It also proves the instability of charged rigid bodies under the presence of an external electrostatic field.

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In 1985, Barnsley and Harrington defined a ``Mandelbrot Set $mathcal{M}$ for pairs of similarities --- this is the set of complex numbers $z$ with $0<|z|<1$ for which the limit set of the semigroup generated by the similarities $x mapsto zx$ and $x mapsto z(x-1)+1$ is connected. Equivalently, $mathcal{M}$ is the closure of the set of roots of polynomials with coefficients in $lbrace -1,0,1 rbrace$. Barnsley and Harrington already noted the (numerically apparent) existence of infinitely many small ``holes in $mathcal{M}$, and conjectured that these holes were genuine. These holes are very interesting, since they are ``exotic components of the space of (2 generator) Schottky semigroups. The existence of at least one hole was rigorously confirmed by Bandt in 2002, and he conjectured that the interior points are dense away from the real axis. We introduce the technique of traps to construct and certify interior points of $mathcal{M}$, and use them to prove Bandts Conjecture. Furthermore, our techniques let us certify the existence of infinitely many holes in $mathcal{M}$.
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The global attractor conjecture says that toric dynamical systems (i.e., a class of polynomial dynamical systems on the positive orthant) have a globally attracting point within each positive linear invariant subspace -- or, equivalently, complex balanced mass-action systems have a globally attracting point within each positive stoichiometric compatibility class. A proof of this conjecture implies that a large class of nonlinear dynamical systems on the positive orthant have very simple and stable dynamics. The conjecture originates from the 1972 breakthrough work by Fritz Horn and Roy Jackson, and was formulated in its current form by Horn in 1974. We introduce toric differential inclusions, and we show that each positive solution of a toric differential inclusion is contained in an invariant region that prevents it from approaching the origin. We use this result to prove the global attractor conjecture. In particular, it follows that all detailed balanced mass action systems and all deficiency zero weakly reversible networks have the global attractor property.
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A typical decomposition question asks whether the edges of some graph $G$ can be partitioned into disjoint copies of another graph $H$. One of the oldest and best known conjectures in this area, posed by Ringel in 1963, concerns the decomposition of complete graphs into edge-disjoint copies of a tree. It says that any tree with $n$ edges packs $2n+1$ times into the complete graph $K_{2n+1}$. In this paper, we prove this conjecture for large $n$.
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In the context of the (generalized) Delta Conjecture and its compositional form, DAdderio, Iraci, and Wyngaerd recently stated a conjecture relating two symmetric function operators, $D_k$ and $Theta_k$. We prove this Theta Operator Conjecture, finding it as a consequence of the five-term relation of Mellit and Garsia. As a result, we find surprising ways of writing the $D_k$ operators.
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