Lattice QCD Calculation of the Pion Mass Splitting

Abstract in English

We use the infinite volume reconstruction method to calculate the charged/neutral pion mass difference. The hadronic tensor is calculated on lattice QCD and then combined with an analytic photon propagator, and the mass splitting is calculated with exponentially-suppressed finite volume errors. The calculation is performed using six gauge ensembles generated with $2+1$-flavor domain wall fermions, and five ensembles are at the physical pion mass. Both Feynman and Coulomb gauge are adopted in the calculation and result in a good agreement when the lattice spacing approaches zero. After performing the continuum extrapolation and examining the residual finite-volume effects, we obtain the pion mass splitting $Delta m_pi = 4.534(42)(43)~mathrm{MeV}$, which agrees well with experimental measurements.
