Quantum electrodynamics and the ether

Abstract in English

The ether concept -- abandoned for a long time but reinstated by Dirac in 1951-1953 -- has in recent years emerged into a fashionable subject in theoretical physics, now usually with the name of the Einstein-Dirac ether. It means that one special inertial frame is singled out, as the rest frame. What is emphasized in the present note, is that the idea is a natural example of the covariant theory of quantum electrodynamics in media if the refractive index is set equal to unity. A treatise on this case of quantum electrodynamics was given by the present author back in 1971, published then only within a preprint series. The present version is a brief summary of that formalism, with a link to the original paper. We think it is one of the first treatises on modern ether theory.
