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Analysing the impact of satellite constellations and ESOs role in supporting the astronomy community

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 Added by Olivier R. Hainaut
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In the coming decade, up to 100 000 satellites in large constellations could be launched into low Earth orbit. The satellites will introduce a variety of negative impacts on astronomy observatories and science, which vary from negligible to very disruptive depending on the type of instrument, the position of the science target, and the nature of the constellation. Since the launch of the first batch of SpaceXs Starlink constellation in 2019, the astronomy community has made substantial efforts to analyse the problem and to engage with satellite operators and government agencies. This article presents a short summary of the simulations of impacts on ESOs optical and infrared facilities and ALMA, as well as the conducted observational campaigns to assess the brightness of satellites. It also discusses several activities to identify policy solutions at the international and national level.

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Up to 100,000 satellites could be launched into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in the coming decade. Assuming the two most advanced companies plans are realised, close to 80,000 satellites will be present at a variety of altitudes between 328 - 1,325 km. At Paranal, more than 5,000 satellites will be over the horizon at any given time. Of these, depending on the hour of night and season, a few hundred to several thousand will be illuminated by the sun and potentially detectable. Satellites show a very strong concentration towards the local horizon, with over 50% of the satellites below 20 degrees elevation. This report informs ESOs Council of the impacts on ESO facilities, mitigation measures that ESO could adopt in the future, and the various community efforts in which ESO is involved.
The effect of satellite constellations on observations in the visible and IR domains is estimated, considering 18 constellations in development by SpaceX, Amazon, OneWeb, and others, with over 26,000 satellites, constituting a representative distribution. This study uses a series of simplifications and assumptions to obtain conservative, order-of-magnitude estimates of the effects. The number of illuminated satellites from the constellations above the horizon ranges from ~1600 right after sunset, decreasing to 1100 at the end of astronomical twilight, most of them (~85%) close to the horizon (< 30deg). The large majority of these satellites will be too faint to be seen with the naked eye: at astronomical twilight, 110 brighter than mag 5. Most of them (~95%) will be close to the horizon. The number of naked-eye satellites plummets as the Sun reaches 30-40 deg below the horizon, depending on the latitude and season. The light trails caused by satellites would ruin a small fraction (below the 1% level) of exposures using narrow to normal field imaging or spectroscopic techniques in the visible and near IR during the first and last hours of the night. Similarly, the thermal emission of the satellite would affect only a negligible fraction of thermal IR observations. However, wide-field exposures, as well as long medium-field exposures,would be affected at the 3% level during the first and last hours of the night. Furthermore, ultra-wide imaging exposures on a very large telescope (eg NSFs Rubin Observatory, LSST), would be significantly affected, with 30 to 40% of such exposures being compromised during the first and last hours of the night. Coordination between the astronomical community, satellites companies, and government agencies is therefore critical to minimise and mitigate the effect on astronomical observations, in particular on survey telescopes.
222 - Joseph Ribaudo 2019
This White Paper highlights the role Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) play within the astronomy profession, addressing issues related to employment, resources and support, research opportunities and productivity, and educational and societal impacts, among others. Astronomers working at PUIs are passionate about teaching and mentoring undergraduate students through substantive astronomy experiences, all while working to continue research programs that contribute to the advancement of the professional field of astronomy. PUIs are where the majority of undergraduate students pursue post-secondary education, and as such, understanding the unique challenges and opportunities associated with PUIs is critical to fostering an inclusive astronomy community throughout the next decade. We provide a view of the profession as lived and experienced by faculty and students of PUIs, while highlighting the unique opportunities, challenges, and obstacles routinely faced. A variety of recommendations are outlined to provide the supporting structures and resources needed for astronomy to thrive at PUIs over the next decade and beyond - a critical step for a profession focused on fostering and maintaining an inclusive, supportive, and diverse community.
Due to ionosphere absorption and the interference by natural and artificial radio emissions, ground observation of the sky at the decameter or longer is very difficult. This unexplored part of electromagnetic spectrum has the potential of great discoveries, notably in the study of cosmic dark ages and dawn, but also in heliophysics and space weather, planets, cosmic ray and neutrinos, pulsar and interstellar medium, extragalactic radio sources, and even SETI. At a forum organized by the International Space Science Institute-Beijing (ISSI-BJ), we discussed the prospect of opening up this window for astronomical observations by using a constellation of small or micro-satellites. We discussed the past experiments and the current ones such as the low frequency payload on Change-4 mission lander, relay satellite and the Longjiang satellite, and also the future DSL mission, which is a linear array on lunar orbit which can make synthesized map of the whole sky as well as measure the global spectrum. We also discuss the synergy with other experiments, including ground global experiments such as EDGES, SARAS, SCI-HI and High-z, PRIZM/Albatros, ground imaging facillities such as LOFAR and MWA, and space experiments such as SUNRISE, DARE/DAPPER and PRATUSH. We also discussed some technical aspects of the DSL concept.
64 - C. G. Bassa 2021
The number of satellites in low-Earth orbit is increasing rapidly, and many tens of thousands of them are expected to be launched in the coming years. There is a strong concern among the astronomical community about the contamination of optical and near-infrared observations by satellite trails. We analyze the impact analysis of such constellations on optical and near-infrared astronomical observations in a rigorous and quantitative way, using updated constellation information, and considering imagers and spectrographs and their very different characteristics. We introduce an analytical method that allows us to rapidly and accurately evaluate the effect of a very large number of satellites, accounting for their magnitudes and the effect of trailing of the satellite image during the exposure. We use this to evaluate the impact on a series of representative instruments, including imagers (traditional narrow field instruments, wide-field survey cameras, and astro-photographic cameras) and spectrographs (long-slit and fibre-fed), taking into account their limiting magnitude. As already known (Walker et al. 2020), the effect of satellite trails is more damaging for high-altitude satellites, on wide-field instruments, or essentially during the first and last hours of the night. Thanks to their brighter limiting magnitudes, low- and mid-resolution spectrographs will be less affected, but the contamination will be at about the same level as that of the science signal, introducing additional challenges. High-resolution spectrographs will essentially be immune. We propose a series of mitigating measures, including one that uses the described simulation method to optimize the scheduling of the observations. We conclude that no single mitigation measure will solve the problem of satellite trails for all instruments and all science cases.
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