Deterministic one-way logic gates on a cloud quantum computer

Abstract in English

One-way quantum computing is a promising candidate for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Here, we propose new protocols to realize a deterministic one-way CNOT gate and one-way $X$-rotations on quantum-computing platforms. By applying a delayed-choice scheme, we overcome a limit of most currently available quantum computers, which are unable to implement further operations on measured qubits or operations conditioned on measurement results from other qubits. Moreover, we decrease the error rate of the one-way logic gates, compared to the original protocol using local operations and classical communication (LOCC). In addition, we apply our deterministic one-way CNOT gate in the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm to show the feasibility of our proposal. We demonstrate all these one-way gates and algorithms by running experiments on the cloud quantum-computing platform IBM Quantum Experience.
