Arbitrary order of convergence for Riesz fractional derivative via central difference method

Abstract in English

We propose a novel method to compute a finite difference stencil for Riesz derivative for artibitrary speed of convergence. This method is based on applying a pre-filter to the Grunwald-Letnikov type central difference stencil. The filter is obtained by solving for the inverse of a symmetric Vandemonde matrix and exploiting the relationship between the Taylors series coefficients and fast Fourier transform. The filter costs Oleft(N^{2}right) operations to evaluate for Oleft(h^{N}right) of convergence, where h is the sampling distance. The higher convergence speed should more than offset the overhead with the requirement of the number of nodal points for a desired error tolerance significantly reduced. The benefit of progressive generation of the stencil coefficients for adaptive grid size for dynamic problems with the Grunwald-Letnikov type difference scheme is also kept because of the application of filtering. The higher convergence rate is verified through numerical experiments.
