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Normal Forms and Near-Axis Expansions for Beltrami Magnetic Fields

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 Added by Nathan Duignan
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A formal series transformation to Birkhoff-Gustavson normal form is obtained for toroidal magnetic field configurations in the neighborhood of a magnetic axis. Bishops rotation-minimizing coordinates are used to obtain a local orthogonal frame near the axis in which the metric is diagonal, even if the curvature has zeros. We treat the cases of vacuum and force-free (Beltrami) fields in a unified way, noting that the vector potential is essentially the Poincare-Liouville one-form of Hamiltonian dynamics, and the resulting magnetic field corresponds to the canonical two-form of a nonautonomous one-degree-of-freedom system. Canonical coordinates are obtained and Floquet theory is used to transform to a frame in which the lowest-order Hamiltonian is autonomous. The resulting magnetic axis can be elliptic or hyperbolic, and resonant elliptic cases are treated. The resulting expansion for the field is shown to be well-defined to all orders, and is explicitly computed to degree four. An example is given for an axis with constant torsion near a 1:3 resonance.

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Integrable or near-integrable magnetic fields are prominent in the design of plasma confinement devices. Such a field is characterized by the existence of a singular foliation consisting entirely of invariant submanifolds. A regular leaf, known as a flux surface,of this foliation must be diffeomorphic to the two-torus. In a neighborhood of a flux surface, it is known that the magnetic field admits several exact, smooth normal forms in which the field lines are straight. However, these normal forms break down near singular leaves including elliptic and hyperbolic magnetic axes. In this paper, the existence of exact, smooth normal forms for integrable magnetic fields near elliptic and hyperbolic magnetic axes is established. In the elliptic case, smooth near-axis Hamada and Boozer coordinates are defined and constructed. Ultimately, these results establish previously conjectured smoothness properties for smooth solutions of the magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium equations. The key arguments are a consequence of a geometric reframing of integrability and magnetic fields; that they are presymplectic systems.
Birkhoff normal forms are commonly used in order to ensure the so called effective stability in the neighborhood of elliptic equilibrium points for Hamiltonian systems. From a theoretical point of view, this means that the eventual diffusion can be bounded for time intervals that are exponentially large with respect to the inverse of the distance of the initial conditions from such equilibrium points. Here, we focus on an approach that is suitable for practical applications: we extend a rather classical scheme of estimates for both the Birkhoff normal forms to any finite order and their remainders. This is made for providing explicit lower bounds of the stability time (that are valid for initial conditions in a fixed open ball), by using a fully rigorous computer-assisted procedure. We apply our approach in two simple contexts that are widely studied in Celestial Mechanics: the Henon-Heiles model and the Circular Planar Restricted Three-Body Problem. In the latter case, we adapt our scheme of estimates for covering also the case of resonant Birkhoff normal forms and, in some concrete models about the motion of the Trojan asteroids, we show that it can be more advantageous with respect to the usual non-resonant ones.
We consider the equation rotB+aB=0 (1) in the plane with a being a real-valued function and show that it can be reduced to a Vekua equation of a special form. In the case when a depends on one Cartesian variable a complete system of exact solutions of the Vekua equation and hence of equation (1) is constructed based on L. Bers theory of formal powers.
We investigate the minimal Riesz s-energy problem for positive measures on the d-dimensional unit sphere S^d in the presence of an external field induced by a point charge, and more generally by a line charge. The model interaction is that of Riesz potentials |x-y|^(-s) with d-2 <= s < d. For a given axis-supported external field, the support and the density of the corresponding extremal measure on S^d is determined. The special case s = d-2 yields interesting phenomena, which we investigate in detail. A weak* asymptotic analysis is provided as s goes to (d-2)^+.
We consider normal forms in `magnetic bottle type Hamiltonians of the form $H=frac{1}{2}(rho^2_rho+omega^2_1rho^2) +frac{1}{2}p^2_z+hot$ (second frequency $omega_2$ equal to zero in the lowest order). Our main results are: i) a novel method to construct the normal form in cases of resonance, and ii) a study of the asymptotic behavior of both the non-resonant and the resonant series. We find that, if we truncate the normal form series at order $r$, the series remainder in both constructions decreases with increasing $r$ down to a minimum, and then it increases with $r$. The computed minimum remainder turns to be exponentially small in $frac{1}{Delta E}$, where $Delta E$ is the mirror oscillation energy, while the optimal order scales as an inverse power of $Delta E$. We estimate numerically the exponents associated with the optimal order and the remainders exponential asymptotic behavior. In the resonant case, our novel method allows to compute a `quasi-integral (i.e. truncated formal integral) valid both for each particular resonance as well as away from all resonances. We applied these results to a specific magnetic bottle Hamiltonian. The non resonant normal form yields theorerical invariant curves on a surface of section which fit well the empirical curves away from resonances. On the other hand the resonant normal form fits very well both the invariant curves inside the islands of a particular resonance as well as the non-resonant invariant curves. Finally, we discuss how normal forms allow to compute a critical threshold for the onset of global chaos in the magnetic bottle.
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