Non-Hermitian quantum gases: a platform for imaginary time crystals

Abstract in English

One of the most important applications of quantum mechanics is the thermodynamic description of quantum gases. Despite the fundamental importance of this topic, a comprehensive description of the thermodynamic properties of non-Hermitian quantum gases is still lacking. Here, we investigate the properties of bosonic and fermionic non-Hermitian systems at finite temperatures. We show that non-Hermitian systems exihibit oscillations both in temperature and imaginary time. As such, they can be a possible platform to realize an imaginary time crystal (iTC) phase. The Hatano-Nelson model is identified as a simple lattice model to reveal this effect. In addition, we show that the conditions for the iTC to be manifest are the same as the conditions for the presence of disorder points, where the correlation functions show oscillating behavior. This analysis makes clear that our realization of iTC is effectively a way to filter one specific Matsubara mode. In this realization, the Matsubara frequency, that enters as a mathematical tool to compute correlation functions for finite temperatures, can be measured experimentally.
