Learning Nonlinear Waves in Plasmon-induced Transparency

Abstract in English

Plasmon-induced transparency (PIT) displays complex nonlinear dynamics that find critical phenomena in areas such as nonlinear waves. However, such a nonlinear solution depends sensitively on the selection of parameters and different potentials in the Schrodinger equation. Despite this complexity, the machine learning community has developed remarkable efficiencies in predicting complicated datasets by regression. Here, we consider a recurrent neural network (RNN) approach to predict the complex propagation of nonlinear solitons in plasmon-induced transparency metamaterial systems with applied potentials bypassing the need for analytical and numerical approaches of a guiding model. We demonstrate the success of this scheme on the prediction of the propagation of the nonlinear solitons solely from a given initial condition and potential. We prove the prominent agreement of results in simulation and prediction by long short-term memory (LSTM) artificial neural networks. The framework presented in this work opens up a new perspective for the application of RNN in quantum systems and nonlinear waves using Schrodinger-type equations, for example, the nonlinear dynamics in cold-atom systems and nonlinear fiber optics.
