Inverse seesaw in $A_5^prime$ modular symmetry

Abstract in English

We make an investigation of modular $Gamma^{prime}_5 simeq A^{prime}_5$ group in inverse seesaw framework. Modular symmetry is advantageous because it reduces the usage of extra scalar fields significantly. Moreover, the Yukawa couplings are expressed in terms of Dedekind eta functions, which also have a $q$ expansion form, utilized to achieve numerical simplicity. Our proposed model includes six heavy fermion superfields i.e., $mathcal{N}_{Ri}$, $mathcal{S}_{Li}$ and a weighton. The study of neutrino phenomenology becomes simplified and effective by the usage of $A^prime_5$ modular symmetry, which provides us a well defined mass structure for the lepton sector. Here, we observe that all the neutrino oscillation parameters, as well as the effective electron neutrino mass in neutrinoless double beta decay can be accommodated in this model. We also briefly discuss the lepton flavor violating decays $ell_i to ell_j gamma$ and comment on non-unitarity of lepton mixing matrix.
