Performance of teleportation-based error correction circuits for bosonic codes with noisy measurements

Abstract in English

Bosonic quantum error-correcting codes offer a viable direction towards reducing the hardware overhead required for fault-tolerant quantum information processing. A broad class of bosonic codes, namely rotation-symmetric codes, can be characterized by their phase-space rotation symmetry. However, their performance has been examined to date only within an idealistic noise model. Here, we further analyze the error correction capabilities of rotation-symmetric codes using a teleportation-based error correction circuit. To this end, we numerically compute the average gate fidelity including measurement errors into the noise model of the data qubit. Focusing on physical measurements models, we assess the performance of heterodyne and adaptive homodyne detection in comparison to the previously studied canonical phase measurement. This setting allows us to shed light on the role of different currently available measurement schemes when decoding the encoded information. We find that with the currently achievable measurement efficiencies in microwave optics bosonic rotation codes undergo a substantial decrease in their break-even potential. The results are compared to Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes using a similar error correction circuit which show a greater reduction in performance together with a vulnerability to photon number dephasing. Our results show that highly efficient measurement protocols constitute a crucial building block towards error-corrected quantum information processing with bosonic continuous-variable systems.
