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Euler sums of generalized alternating hyperharmonic numbers II

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 Added by Rusen Li
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Authors Rusen Li

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In this paper, we introduce a new type of generalized alternating hyperharmonic numbers $H_n^{(p,r,s_{1},s_{2})}$, and show that Euler sums of the generalized alternating hyperharmonic numbers $H_n^{(p,r,s_{1},s_{2})}$ can be expressed in terms of linear combinations of classical (alternating) Euler sums.

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81 - Weiping Wang , Ce Xu 2020
In this paper, we study the alternating Euler $T$-sums and related sums by using the method of contour integration. We establish the explicit formulas for all linear and quadratic Euler $T$-sums and related sums. Some interesting new consequences and illustrative examples are considered.
271 - Zhong-hua Li 2010
The explicit formulas expressing harmonic sums via alternating Euler sums (colored multiple zeta values) are given, and some explicit evaluations are given as applications.
139 - Ce Xu 2020
We define a new kind of classical digamma function, and establish its some fundamental identities. Then we apply the formulas obtained, and extend tools developed by Flajolet and Salvy to study more general Euler type sums. The main results of Flajolet and Salvys paper cite{FS1998} are the immediate corollaries of main results in this paper. Furthermore, we provide some parameterized extensions of Ramanujan-type identities that involve hyperbolic series. Some interesting new consequences and illustrative examples are considered.
84 - Weiping Wang , Ce Xu 2020
In this paper, we study the alternating Euler $T$-sums and $S$-sums, which are infinite series involving (alternating) odd harmonic numbers, and have similar forms and close relations to the Dirichlet beta functions. By using the method of residue computations, we establish the explicit formulas for the (alternating) linear and quadratic Euler $T$-sums and $S$-sums, from which, the parity theorems of Hoffmans double and triple $t$-values and Kaneko-Tsumuras double and triple $T$-values are further obtained. As supplements, we also show that the linear $T$-sums and $S$-sums are expressible in terms of colored multiple zeta values. Some interesting consequences and illustrative examples are presented.
91 - Ce Xu 2020
We study several variants of Euler sums by using the methods of contour integration and residue theorem. These variants exhibit nice properties such as closed forms, reduction, etc., like classical Euler sums. In addition, we also define a variant of multiple zeta values of level 2, and give some identities on relations between these variants of Euler sums and the variant of multiple zeta values.
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