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Bespoke Fractal Sampling Patterns for Discrete Fourier Space via the Kaleidoscope Transform

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 Added by Jacob White
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Sampling strategies are important for sparse imaging methodologies, especially those employing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Chaotic sensing is one such methodology that employs deterministic, fractal sampling in conjunction with finite, iterative reconstruction schemes to form an image from limited samples. Using a sampling pattern constructed entirely from periodic lines in DFT space, chaotic sensing was found to outperform traditional compressed sensing for magnetic resonance imaging; however, only one such sampling pattern was presented and the reason for its fractal nature was not proven. Through the introduction of a novel image transform known as the kaleidoscope transform, which formalises and extends upon the concept of downsampling and concatenating an image with itself, this paper: (1) demonstrates a fundamental relationship between multiplication in modular arithmetic and downsampling; (2) provides a rigorous mathematical explanation for the fractal nature of the sampling pattern in the DFT; and (3) leverages this understanding to develop a collection of novel fractal sampling patterns for the 2D DFT with customisable properties. The ability to design tailor-made fractal sampling patterns expands the utility of the DFT in chaotic imaging and may form the basis for a bespoke chaotic sensing methodology, in which the fractal sampling matches the imaging task for improved reconstruction.

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Estimation of the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) at points of a finite domain arises in many imaging applications. A new approach to this task, the Golden Angle Linogram Fourier Domain (GALFD), is presented, together with a computationally fast and accurate tool, named Golden Angle Linogram Evaluation (GALE), for approximating the DTFT at points of a GALFD. A GALFD resembles a Linogram Fourier Domain (LFD), which is efficient and accurate. A limitation of linograms is that embedding an LFD into a larger one requires many extra points, at least doubling the domains cardinality. The GALFD, on the other hand, allows for incremental inclusion of relatively few data points. Approximation error bounds and floating point operations counts are presented to show that GALE computes accurately and efficiently the DTFT at the points of a GALFD. The ability to extend the data collection in small increments is beneficial in applications such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Experiments for simulated and for real-world data are presented to substantiate the theoretical claims. The mathematical analysis, algorithms, and software developed in the paper are equally suitable to other angular distributions of rays and therefore we bring the benefits of linograms to arbitrary radial patterns.
The Gridding algorithm has shown great utility for reconstructing images from non-uniformly spaced samples in the Fourier domain in several imaging modalities. Due to the non-uniform spacing, some correction for the variable density of the samples must be made. Existing methods for generating density compensation values are either sub-optimal or only consider a finite set of points (a set of measure 0) in the optimization. This manuscript presents the first density compensation algorithm for a general trajectory that takes into account the point spread function over a set of non-zero measure. We show that the images reconstructed with Gridding using the density compensation values of this method are of superior quality when compared to density compensation weights determined in other ways. Results are shown with a numerical phantom and with magnetic resonance images of the abdomen and the knee.
173 - N. Teyfouri 2019
The recent application of Fourier Based Iterative Reconstruction Method (FIRM) has made it possible to achieve high-quality 2D images from a fan beam Computed Tomography (CT) scan with a limited number of projections in a fast manner. The proposed methodology in this article is designed to provide 3D Radon space in linogram fashion to facilitate the use of FIRM with cone beam projections (CBP) for the reconstruction of 3D images in a low dose Cone Beam CT (CBCT).
203 - Shamgar Gurevich 2008
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is an important operator which acts on the Hilbert space of complex valued functions on the ring Z/NZ. In the case where N=p is an odd prime number, we exhibit a canonical basis of eigenvectors for the DFT. The transition matrix from the standard basis to the canonical basis defines a novel transform which we call the discrete oscillator transform (DOT for short). Finally, we describe a fast algorithm for computing the discrete oscillator transform in certain cases.
Deep learning approaches have recently shown great promise in accelerating magnetic resonance image (MRI) acquisition. The majority of existing work have focused on designing better reconstruction models given a pre-determined acquisition trajectory, ignoring the question of trajectory optimization. In this paper, we focus on learning acquisition trajectories given a fixed image reconstruction model. We formulate the problem as a sequential decision process and propose the use of reinforcement learning to solve it. Experiments on a large scale public MRI dataset of knees show that our proposed models significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in active MRI acquisition, over a large range of acceleration factors.
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