Exact Pareto Optimal Search for Multi-Task Learning: Touring the Pareto Front

Abstract in English

Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a well-established paradigm for training deep neural network models for multiple correlated tasks. Often the task objectives conflict, requiring trade-offs between them during model building. In such cases, MTL models can use gradient-based multi-objective optimization (MOO) to find one or more Pareto optimal solutions. A common requirement in MTL applications is to find an {it Exact} Pareto optimal (EPO) solution, which satisfies user preferences with respect to task-specific objective functions. Further, to improve model generalization, various constraints on the weights may need to be enforced during training. Addressing these requirements is challenging because it requires a search direction that allows descent not only towards the Pareto front but also towards the input preference, within the constraints imposed and in a manner that scales to high-dimensional gradients. We design and theoretically analyze such search directions and develop the first scalable algorithm, with theoretical guarantees of convergence, to find an EPO solution, including when box and equality constraints are imposed. Our unique method combines multiple gradient descent with carefully controlled ascent to traverse the Pareto front in a principled manner, making it robust to initialization. This also facilitates systematic exploration of the Pareto front, that we utilize to approximate the Pareto front for multi-criteria decision-making. Empirical results show that our algorithm outperforms competing methods on benchmark MTL datasets and MOO problems.
