LASOR: Learning Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Via Synthetic Occlusion-Aware Data and Neural Mesh Rendering

Abstract in English

A key challenge in the task of human pose and shape estimation is occlusion, including self-occlusions, object-human occlusions, and inter-person occlusions. The lack of diverse and accurate pose and shape training data becomes a major bottleneck, especially for scenes with occlusions in the wild. In this paper, we focus on the estimation of human pose and shape in the case of inter-person occlusions, while also handling object-human occlusions and self-occlusion. We propose a framework that synthesizes occlusion-aware silhouette and 2D keypoints data and directly regress to the SMPL pose and shape parameters. A neural 3D mesh renderer is exploited to enable silhouette supervision on the fly, which contributes to great improvements in shape estimation. In addition, keypoints-and-silhouette-driven training data in panoramic viewpoints are synthesized to compensate for the lack of viewpoint diversity in any existing dataset. Experimental results show that we are among state-of-the-art on the 3DPW dataset in terms of pose accuracy and evidently outperform the rank-1 method in terms of shape accuracy. Top performance is also achieved on SSP-3D in terms of shape prediction accuracy.
