Finite-size scaling around the critical point in the heavy quark region of QCD

Abstract in English

Finite-size scaling is investigated in detail around the critical point in the heavy-quark region of nonzero temperature QCD. Numerical simulations are performed with large spatial volumes up to the aspect ratio $N_s/N_t=12$ at a fixed lattice spacing with $N_t=4$. We show that the Binder cumulant and the distribution function of the Polyakov loop follow the finite-size scaling in the $Z(2)$ universality class for large spatial volumes with $N_s/N_t ge 9$, while, for $N_s/N_t le 8$, the Binder cumulant becomes inconsistent with the $Z(2)$ scaling. To realize the large-volume simulations in the heavy-quark region, we adopt the hopping tails expansion for the quark determinant: We generate gauge configurations using the leading order action including the Polyakov loop term for $N_t=4$, and incorporate the next-to-leading order effects in the measurements by the multipoint reweighting method. We find that the use of the leading-order configurations is crucially effective in suppressing the overlapping problem in the reweighting and thus reducing the statistical errors.
