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Relightable Neural Video Portrait

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 Added by Taotao Zhou
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Photo-realistic facial video portrait reenactment benefits virtual production and numerous VR/AR experiences. The task remains challenging as the portrait should maintain high realism and consistency with the target environment. In this paper, we present a relightable neural video portrait, a simultaneous relighting and reenactment scheme that transfers the head pose and facial expressions from a source actor to a portrait video of a target actor with arbitrary new backgrounds and lighting conditions. Our approach combines 4D reflectance field learning, model-based facial performance capture and target-aware neural rendering. Specifically, we adopt a rendering-to-video translation network to first synthesize high-quality OLAT imagesets and alpha mattes from hybrid facial performance capture results. We then design a semantic-aware facial normalization scheme to enable reliable explicit control as well as a multi-frame multi-task learning strategy to encode content, segmentation and temporal information simultaneously for high-quality reflectance field inference. After training, our approach further enables photo-realistic and controllable video portrait editing of the target performer. Reliable face poses and expression editing is obtained by applying the same hybrid facial capture and normalization scheme to the source video input, while our explicit alpha and OLAT output enable high-quality relit and background editing. With the ability to achieve simultaneous relighting and reenactment, we are able to improve the realism in a variety of virtual production and video rewrite applications.

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We propose a novel approach for 3D video synthesis that is able to represent multi-view video recordings of a dynamic real-world scene in a compact, yet expressive representation that enables high-quality view synthesis and motion interpolation. Our approach takes the high quality and compactness of static neural radiance fields in a new direction: to a model-free, dynamic setting. At the core of our approach is a novel time-conditioned neural radiance fields that represents scene dynamics using a set of compact latent codes. To exploit the fact that changes between adjacent frames of a video are typically small and locally consistent, we propose two novel strategies for efficient training of our neural network: 1) An efficient hierarchical training scheme, and 2) an importance sampling strategy that selects the next rays for training based on the temporal variation of the input videos. In combination, these two strategies significantly boost the training speed, lead to fast convergence of the training process, and enable high quality results. Our learned representation is highly compact and able to represent a 10 second 30 FPS multi-view video recording by 18 cameras with a model size of just 28MB. We demonstrate that our method can render high-fidelity wide-angle novel views at over 1K resolution, even for highly complex and dynamic scenes. We perform an extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation that shows that our approach outperforms the current state of the art. We include additional video and information at:
Human portraits exhibit various appearances when observed from different views under different lighting conditions. We can easily imagine how the face will look like in another setup, but computer algorithms still fail on this problem given limited observations. To this end, we present a system for portrait view synthesis and relighting: given multiple portraits, we use a neural network to predict the light-transport field in 3D space, and from the predicted Neural Light-transport Field (NeLF) produce a portrait from a new camera view under a new environmental lighting. Our system is trained on a large number of synthetic models, and can generalize to different synthetic and real portraits under various lighting conditions. Our method achieves simultaneous view synthesis and relighting given multi-view portraits as the input, and achieves state-of-the-art results.
Casually-taken portrait photographs often suffer from unflattering lighting and shadowing because of suboptimal conditions in the environment. Aesthetic qualities such as the position and softness of shadows and the lighting ratio between the bright and dark parts of the face are frequently determined by the constraints of the environment rather than by the photographer. Professionals address this issue by adding light shaping tools such as scrims, bounce cards, and flashes. In this paper, we present a computational approach that gives casual photographers some of this control, thereby allowing poorly-lit portraits to be relit post-capture in a realistic and easily-controllable way. Our approach relies on a pair of neural networks---one to remove foreign shadows cast by external objects, and another to soften facial shadows cast by the features of the subject and to add a synthetic fill light to improve the lighting ratio. To train our first network we construct a dataset of real-world portraits wherein synthetic foreign shadows are rendered onto the face, and we show that our network learns to remove those unwanted shadows. To train our second network we use a dataset of Light Stage scans of human subjects to construct input/output pairs of input images harshly lit by a small light source, and variably softened and fill-lit output images of each face. We propose a way to explicitly encode facial symmetry and show that our dataset and training procedure enable the model to generalize to images taken in the wild. Together, these networks enable the realistic and aesthetically pleasing enhancement of shadows and lights in real-world portrait images
In this work, a system for creating a relightable 3D portrait of a human head is presented. Our neural pipeline operates on a sequence of frames captured by a smartphone camera with the flash blinking (flash-no flash sequence). A coarse point cloud reconstructed via structure-from-motion software and multi-view denoising is then used as a geometric proxy. Afterwards, a deep rendering network is trained to regress dense albedo, normals, and environmental lighting maps for arbitrary new viewpoints. Effectively, the proxy geometry and the rendering network constitute a relightable 3D portrait model, that can be synthesized from an arbitrary viewpoint and under arbitrary lighting, e.g. directional light, point light, or an environment map. The model is fitted to the sequence of frames with human face-specific priors that enforce the plausibility of albedo-lighting decomposition and operates at the interactive frame rate. We evaluate the performance of the method under varying lighting conditions and at the extrapolated viewpoints and compare with existing relighting methods.
We present a deep learning approach to reconstruct scene appearance from unstructured images captured under collocated point lighting. At the heart of Deep Reflectance Volumes is a novel volumetric scene representation consisting of opacity, surface normal and reflectance voxel grids. We present a novel physically-based differentiable volume ray marching framework to render these scene volumes under arbitrary viewpoint and lighting. This allows us to optimize the scene volumes to minimize the error between their rendered images and the captured images. Our method is able to reconstruct real scenes with challenging non-Lambertian reflectance and complex geometry with occlusions and shadowing. Moreover, it accurately generalizes to novel viewpoints and lighting, including non-collocated lighting, rendering photorealistic images that are significantly better than state-of-the-art mesh-based methods. We also show that our learned reflectance volumes are editable, allowing for modifying the materials of the captured scenes.
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