Exploration of Characteristic Temperature Contributions to Metallic Glass Forming Ability

Abstract in English

Various combinations of characteristic temperatures, such as the glass transition temperature, liquidus temperature, and crystallization temperature, have been proposed as predictions of the glass forming ability of metal alloys. We have used statistical approaches from machine learning to systematically explore a wide range of possible characteristic temperature functions for predicting glass forming ability in the form of critical casting diameter, $D_{max}$. Both linear and non-linear models were used to learn on the largest database of $D_{max}$ values to date consisting of 747 compositions. We find that no combination of temperatures for features offers a better prediction of $D_{max}$ in a machine learning model than the temperatures themselves, and that regression models suffer from poor performance on standard machine learning metrics like root mean square error (minimum value of $3.3 pm 0.1$ $mm$ for data with a standard deviation of 4.8 $mm$). Examination of the errors vs. database size suggest that a larger database may improve results, although a database significantly larger than that used here would likely be required. Shifting a focus from regression to categorization models learning from characteristic temperatures can be used to weakly distinguish glasses likely to be above vs. below our databases median $D_{max}$ value of 4.0 $mm$, with a mean F1 score of $0.77 pm 0.02$ for this categorization. The overall weak results on predicting $D_{max}$ suggests that critical cooling rate might be a better target for machine learning model prediction.
