The structure and characteristic scales of the HI gas in galactic disks

Abstract in English

The spatial distribution of the HI gas in galaxies holds important clues on the physical processes that shape the structure and dynamics of the interstellar medium (ISM). In this work, we quantify the structure of the HI gas in a sample of 33 nearby galaxies taken from the THINGS Survey using the delta-variance spectrum. The THINGS galaxies display a large diversity in their spectra, however, there are a number of recurrent features. In many galaxies, we observe a bump in the spectrum on scales of a few to several hundred pc. We find the characteristic scales associated with the bump to be correlated with galactic SFR for values of the SFR > 0.5 M$_{sol}$ yr$^{-1}$ and also with the median size of the HI shells detected in those galaxies. On larger scales, we observe the existence of two self-similar regimes. The first one, on intermediate scales is shallow and the power law that describes this regime has an exponent in the range [0.1-1] with a mean value of 0.55 which is compatible with the density field being generated by supersonic turbulence in the cold phase of the HI gas. The second power law is steeper, with a range of exponents between [0.5-1.5] and a mean value of 1.5. These values are associated with subsonic turbulence which is characteristic of the warm phase of the HI gas. The spatial scale at which the transition between the two regimes occurs is found to be $approx 0.5 R_{25}$ which is similar to the size of the molecular disk in the THINGS galaxies. Overall, our results suggest that on scales < $0.5 R_{25}$, the structure of the ISM is affected by the effects of supernova explosions. On larger scales (> 0.5 $R_{25}$), stellar feedback has no significant impact, and the structure of the ISM is determined by large scale processes that govern the dynamics of the gas in the warm neutral medium such as the flaring of the HI disk and the effects of ram pressure stripping.
