Persistent time lags in light curves of Sagittarius A*: evidence of outflow

Abstract in English

The compact radio source at the center of our Galaxy, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is the subject of intensive study as it provides a close-up view of an accreting supermassive black hole. Sgr A* provides us with a prototype of a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN), but interstellar scattering and the resolution limits of our instruments have limited our understanding of the emission sites in its inner accretion flow. The temporal variability of Sgr A* can help us understand whether we see a plasma outflow or inflow in the region close to the black hole. In this work, we look at a comprehensive set of multi-epoch data recorded with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to understand the persistence of the time lag relations that have been found in previous radio observations of Sgr A*. We analyse 8 epochs of data, observed in Spring 2015, each of which has a frequency coverage from 18 to 48 GHz. We cross-correlate the calibrated light curves across twelve frequency subbands. We also generate synthetic data with the appropriate variability characteristics and use it to study the detectability of time lag relations in data with this sampling structure. We find that the variability amplitude increases with frequency. We see positive time lag slopes across all subbands in five out of eight epochs, with the largest slopes in the cases where a clear extremum in flux density is present. Three epochs show lag slopes close to zero. With the synthetic data analysis we show that these results are explained by a persistent lag relation of $sim$40 min/cm that covers the bulk of the variability, with at most 2 percent of the total flux density in an uncorrelated variability component. Together with the size-frequency relation and inclination constraints this indicates an outflow velocity with $gamma beta$ = 1.5, consistent with predictions of jet models for Sgr A*.
