Twist-3 partonic distributions from lattice QCD

Abstract in English

Twist-3 partonic distributions contain important information that characterizes nucleons structure. In this work, we show our lattice exploration of the twist-3 PDFs $g_T(x)$, and $h_L(x)$. We also present our preliminary results on the twist-3 GPD $tilde{G}_2(x)$. We use the quasi-distribution approach to connect the lattice-extracted matrix elements, renormalized in the RI/MOM scheme, to light-cone distributions, applying the matching procedure that we developed in parallel. We also calculate the twist-2 counterparts of $g_T(x)$ and $h_L(x)$, i.e. $g_1(x)$, and $h_1(x)$, and test the Wandzura-Wilczek approximation.
