INTPIX4NA -- new integration-type silicon-on-insulator pixel detector for imaging application

Abstract in English

INTPIX4NA is an integration-type silicon-on-insulator pixel detector. This detector has a 14.1 x 8.7 mm^2 sensitive area, 425,984 (832 column x 512 row matrix) pixels and the pixel size is 17 x 17 um^2. This detector was developed for residual stress measurement using X-rays (the cos alpha method). The performance of INTPIX4NA was tested with the synchrotron beamlines of the Photon Factory (KEK), and the following results were obtained. The modulation transfer function, the index of the spatial resolution, was more than 50% at the Nyquist frequency (29.4 cycle/mm). The energy resolution analyzed from the collected charge counts is 35.3%--46.2% at 5.415 keV, 21.7%--35.6% at 8 keV, and 15.7%--19.4% at 12 keV. The X-ray signal can be separated from the noise even at a low energy of 5.415 keV at room temperature (approximately 25--27 degree Celsius). The maximum frame rate at which the signal quality can be maintained is 153 fps in the current measurement system. These results satisfy the required performance in the air and at room temperature (approximately 25--27 degree Celsius) condition that is assumed for the environment of the residual stress measurement.
