Formation and Characteristics of Filament Threads in Double-Dipped Magnetic Flux Tubes

Abstract in English

As one of the main formation mechanisms of solar filament formation, the chromospheric evaporation-coronal condensation model has been confirmed by numerical simulations to explain the formation of filament threads very well in flux tubes with single dips. However, coronal magnetic extrapolations indicated that some magnetic field lines might possess more than one dip. It is expected that the formation process would be significantly different in this case compared to a single-dipped magnetic flux tube. In this paper, based on the evaporation-condensation model, we study filament thread formation in double-dipped magnetic flux tubes by numerical simulations. We find that only with particular combinations of magnetic configuration and heating, e.g., concentrated localized heating and a long magnetic flux tube with deep dips, can two threads form and persist in a double-dipped magnetic flux tube. Comparing our parametric survey with observations, we conclude that such magnetically connected threads due to multiple dips are more likely to exist in quiescent filaments than in active-region filaments. Moreover, we find that these threads are usually shorter than independently trapped threads, which might be one of the reasons why quiescent filaments have short threads. These characteristics of magnetically connected threads could also explain barbs and vertical threads in quiescent filaments.
