On The Enhanced Power Graph of a Semigroup

Abstract in English

The enhanced power graph $mathcal P_e(S)$ of a semigroup $S$ is a simple graph whose vertex set is $S$ and two vertices $x,y in S$ are adjacent if and only if $x, y in langle z rangle$ for some $z in S$, where $langle z rangle$ is the subsemigroup generated by $z$. In this paper, first we described the structure of $mathcal P_e(S)$ for an arbitrary semigroup $S$. Consequently, we discussed the connectedness of $mathcal P_e(S)$. Further, we characterized the semigroup $S$ such that $mathcal P_e(S)$ is complete, bipartite, regular, tree and null graph, respectively. Also, we have investigated the planarity together with the minimum degree and independence number of $mathcal P_e(S)$. The chromatic number of a spanning subgraph, viz. the cyclic graph, of $mathcal P_e(S)$ is proved to be countable. At the final part of this paper, we construct an example of a semigroup $S$ such that the chromatic number of $mathcal P_e(S)$ need not be countable.
