Divisibility in rings of integer-valued polynomials

Abstract in English

In this paper, we address various aspects of divisibility by irreducibles in rings consisting of integer-valued polynomials. An integral domain is called atomic if every nonzero nonunit factors into irreducibles. Atomic domains that do not satisfy the ascending chain condition on principal ideals (ACCP) have proved to be elusive, and not many of them have been found since the first one was constructed by A. Grams in 1974. Here we exhibit the first class of atomic rings of integer-valued polynomials without the ACCP. An integral domain is called a finite factorization domain (FFD) if it is simultaneously atomic and an idf-domain (i.e., every nonzero element is divisible by only finitely many irreducibles up to associates). We prove that a ring is an FFD if and only if its ring of integer-valued polynomials is an FFD. In addition, we show that neither being atomic nor being an idf-domain transfer, in general, from an integral domain to its ring of integer-valued polynomials. In the same class of rings of integer-valued polynomials, we consider further properties that are defined in terms of divisibility by irreducibles, including being Cohen-Kaplansky and being Furstenberg.
