Representability of cohomology of finite flat abelian group schemes

Abstract in English

We prove various finiteness and representability results for flat cohomology of finite flat abelian group schemes. In particular, we show that if $f:Xrightarrow mathrm{Spec} (k)$ is a projective scheme over a field $k$ and $G$ is a finite flat abelian group scheme over $X$ then $R^if_*G$ is an algebraic space for all $i$. More generally, we study the derived pushforwards $R^if_*G$ for $f:Xrightarrow S$ a projective morphism and $G$ a finite flat abelian group scheme over $X$. We also develop a theory of compactly supported cohomology for finite flat abelian group schemes, describe cohomology in terms of the cotangent complex for group schemes of height $1$, and relate the Dieudonne modules of the group schemes $R^if_*mu _p$ to cohomology generalizing work of Illusie. A higher categorical version of our main representability results is also presented.
