Cardiac CT segmentation based on distance regularized level set

Abstract in English

Before analy z ing the CT image, it is very important to segment the heart image, and the left ve ntricular (LV) inner and outer membrane segmentation is one of the most important contents. However, manual segmentation is tedious and time consuming. In order to facilitate doctors to focus on high tech tasks such as disease analysis and diagnosis, it is crucial to develop a fast and accurate segmentation method [1]. In view of this phenomenon, this paper uses distance regularized level set (DRL SE) to explore the segmentation effect of epicardium and endocardium 2 ]], which includes a distance regula riz ed t erm and an external energy term. Finally, five CT images are used to verify the proposed method, and image quality evaluation indexes such as dice score and Hausdorff distance are used to evaluate the segmentation effect. The results showed that the me tho d could separate the inner and outer membrane very well (endocardium dice = 0.9253, Hausdorff = 7.8740; epicardium Hausdorff = 0.9687, Hausdorff = 6 .
