Analyzing and predicting non-equilibrium many-body dynamics via dynamic mode decomposition

Abstract in English

Simulating the dynamics of a nonequilibrium quantum many-body system by computing the two-time Greens function associated with such a system is computationally challenging. However, we are often interested in the time diagonal of such a Greens function or time dependent physical observables that are functions of one time. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using dynamic model decomposition (DMD), a data-driven model order reduction technique, to characterize one-time observables associated with the nonequilibrium dynamics using snapshots computed within a small time window. The DMD method allows us to efficiently predict long time dynamics from a limited number of trajectory samples. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DMD on a model two-band system. We show that, in the equilibrium limit, the DMD analysis yields results that are consistent with those produced from a linear response analysis. In the nonequilibrium case, the extrapolated dynamics produced by DMD is more accurate than a special Fourier extrapolation scheme presented in this paper. We point out a potential pitfall of the standard DMD method caused by insufficient spatial/momentum resolution of the discretization scheme. We show how this problem can be overcome by using a variant of the DMD method known as higher order DMD.
