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Conformal Symplectic structures, Foliations and Contact Structures

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 Added by Ga\\\"el Meigniez
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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This paper presents two existence h-principles, the first for conformal symplectic structures on closed manifolds, and the second for leafwise conformal symplectic structures on foliated manifolds with non empty boundary. The latter h-principle allows to linearly deform certain codimension-$1$ foliations to contact structures. These results are essentially applications of the Borman-Eliashberg-Murphy h-principle for overtwisted contact structures and of the Eliashberg-Murphy symplectization of cobordisms, together with tools pertaining to foliated Morse theory, which are elaborated here.

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We survey the interactions between foliations and contact structures in dimension three, with an emphasis on sutured manifolds and invariants of sutured contact manifolds. This paper contains two original results: the fact that a closed orientable irreducible 3-manifold M with nonzero second homol-ogy carries a hypertight contact structure and the fact that an orientable, taut, balanced sutured 3-manifold is not a product if and only if it carries a contact structure with nontrivial cylindrical contact homology. The proof of the second statement uses the Handel-Miller theory of end-periodic diffeomorphisms of end-periodic surfaces.
201 - Oleg Lazarev 2018
We introduce a procedure for gluing Weinstein domains along Weinstein subdomains. By gluing along flexible subdomains, we show that any finite collection of high-dimensional Weinstein domains with the same topology are Weinstein subdomains of a `maximal Weinstein domain also with the same topology. As an application, we produce exotic cotangent bundles containing many closed regular Lagrangians that are formally Lagrangian isotopic but not Hamiltonian isotopic and also give a new construction of exotic Weinstein structures on Euclidean space. We describe a similar construction in the contact setting which we use to produce `maximal contact structures and extend several existing results in low-dimensional contact geometry to high-dimensions. We prove that all contact manifolds have symplectic caps, introduce a general procedure for producing contact manifolds with many Weinstein fillings, and give a new proof of the existence of codimension two contact embeddings.
370 - G. Bande , D. Kotschick 2010
We discuss a correspondence between certain contact pairs on the one hand, and certain locally conformally symplectic forms on the other. In particular, we characterize these structures through suspensions of contactomorphisms. If the contact pair is endowed with a normal metric, then the corresponding lcs form is locally conformally Kaehler, and, in fact, Vaisman. This leads to classification results for normal metric contact pairs. In complex dimension two we obtain a new proof of Belguns classification of Vaisman manifolds under the additional assumption that the Kodaira dimension is non-negative. We also produce many examples of manifolds admitting locally conformally symplectic structures but no locally conformally Kaehler ones.
For some geometries including symplectic and contact structures on an n-dimensional manifold, we introduce a two-step approach to Gromovs h-principle. From formal geometric data, the first step builds a transversely geometric Haefliger structure of codimension n. This step works on all manifolds, even closed. The second step, which works only on open manifolds and for all geometries, regularizes the intermediate Haefliger structure and produces a genuine geometric structure. Both steps admit relative parametri
253 - Vincent Colin , Ko Honda 2008
Let V be a closed 3-manifold. In this paper we prove that the homotopy classes of plane fields on V that contain tight contact structures are in finite number and that, if V is atoroidal, the isotopy classes of tight contact structures are also in finite number.
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