Black-Hole Neutron Star Simulations with the BAM code: First Tests and Simulations

Abstract in English

The first detections of black hole - neutron star mergers (GW200105 and GW200115) by the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Collaboration mark a significant scientific breakthrough. The physical interpretation of pre- and post-merger signals requires careful cross-examination between observational and theoretical modelling results. Here we present the first set of black hole - neutron star simulations that were obtained with the numerical-relativity code BAM. Our initial data are constructed using the public LORENE spectral library which employs an excision of the black hole interior. BAM, in contrast, uses the moving-puncture gauge for the evolution. Therefore, we need to ``stuff the black hole interior with smooth initial data to evolve the binary system in time. This procedure introduces constraint violations such that the constraint damping properties of the evolution system are essential to increase the accuracy of the simulation and in particular to reduce spurious center-of-mass drifts. Within BAM we evolve the Z4c equations and we compare our gravitational-wave results with those of the SXS collaboration and results obtained with the SACRA code. While we find generally good agreement with the reference solutions and phase differences $lesssim 0.5$ rad at the moment of merger, the absence of a clean convergence order in our simulations does not allow for a proper error quantification. We finally present a set of different initial conditions to explore how the merger of black hole neutron star systems depends on the involved masses, spins, and equations of state.
