Variational Quantum Linear Solver with Dynamic Ansatz

Abstract in English

Variational quantum algorithms have found success in the NISQ era owing to their hybrid quantum-classical approach which mitigate the problems of noise in quantum computers. In our study we introduce the dynamic ansatz in the Variational Quantum Linear Solver for a system of linear algebraic equations. In this improved algorithm, the number of layers in the hardware efficient ansatz circuit is evolved, starting from a small and gradually increasing until convergence of the solution is reached. We demonstrate the algorithm advantage in comparison to the standard, static ansatz by utilizing fewer quantum resources and with a smaller quantum depth on average, in presence and absence of quantum noise, and in cases when the number of qubits or condition number of the system matrix are increased. The numbers of iterations and layers can be altered by a switching parameter. The performance of the algorithm in using quantum resources is quantified by a newly defined metric.
