Energy-Efficient Tethered UAV Deployment in B5G for Smart Environments and Disaster Recovery

Abstract in English

Due to Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) limitations in processing power and battery lifetime. The tethered UAV (TUAV) offers an attractive approach to answer these shortcomings. Since a tethered connected to UAV is one potential energy solution to provide a stable power supply that connects to the ground would achieve impressive performances in smart environments and disaster recovery. The proposed solution is intended to provide stable energy and increase the coverage area of TUAV for smart environments and disaster recovery. This paper proposed that the tethered connected to UAV will provide the continuous supply and exchange the data with ground terminals. Besides the adjustable tether length, elevation angels act to increase the hovering region, leading to the scalability of coverage in many applications. Moreover, the power consumption and transmission the distance while achieving a trade-off between the hovering and coverage probabilities. The simulation results demonstrate efficient performance in terms of line-of-sight probability, path loss, and coverage probability for scalability coverage smart environments and disaster recovery scenarios. Furthermore, maximum coverage probability is achieved versus increased tethered length because of the gain and fly over a region of maximum tethered.
