Almost linear Boolean functions on $S_n$ are almost unions of cosets

Abstract in English

We show that if $fcolon S_n to {0,1}$ is $epsilon$-close to linear in $L_2$ and $mathbb{E}[f] leq 1/2$ then $f$ is $O(epsilon)$-close to a union of mostly disjoint cosets, and moreover this is sharp: any such union is close to linear. This constitutes a sharp Friedgut-Kalai-Naor theorem for the symmetric group. Using similar techniques, we show that if $fcolon S_n to mathbb{R}$ is linear, $Pr[f otin {0,1}] leq epsilon$, and $Pr[f = 1] leq 1/2$, then $f$ is $O(epsilon)$-close to a union of mostly disjoint cosets, and this is also sharp; and that if $fcolon S_n to mathbb{R}$ is linear and $epsilon$-close to ${0,1}$ in $L_infty$ then $f$ is $O(epsilon)$-close in $L_infty$ to a union of disjoint cosets.
