Know Deeper: Knowledge-Conversation Cyclic Utilization Mechanism for Open-domain Dialogue Generation

Abstract in English

End-to-End intelligent neural dialogue systems suffer from the problems of generating inconsistent and repetitive responses. Existing dialogue models pay attention to unilaterally incorporating personal knowledge into the dialog while ignoring the fact that incorporating the personality-related conversation information into personal knowledge taken as the bilateral information flow boosts the quality of the subsequent conversation. Besides, it is indispensable to control personal knowledge utilization over the conversation level. In this paper, we propose a conversation-adaption multi-view persona aware response generation model that aims at enhancing conversation consistency and alleviating the repetition from two folds. First, we consider conversation consistency from multiple views. From the view of the persona profile, we design a novel interaction module that not only iteratively incorporates personalized knowledge into each turn conversation but also captures the personality-related information from conversation to enhance personalized knowledge semantic representation. From the view of speaking style, we introduce the speaking style vector and feed it into the decoder to keep the speaking style consistency. To avoid conversation repetition, we devise a coverage mechanism to keep track of the activation of personal knowledge utilization. Experiments on both automatic and human evaluation verify the superiority of our model over previous models.
