Spin-orbit coupling and magnetism in $rm Sr_2CrO_4$

Abstract in English

With octahedrally coordinated $t_{rm 2g}$ orbitals which are active at filling $n=2$, the $rm Sr_2CrO_4$ compound exhibits rich interplay of spin-orbital physics with tetragonal distortion induced crystal field tuning by external agent such as pressure. Considering both reversed and restored crystal field regimes, collective spin-orbital excitations are investigated in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state of a realistic three-orbital model using the generalized self consistent and fluctuation approach including spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Important effects of SOC and Coulomb interaction induced orbital mixing terms are highlighted. The behavior of the calculated energy scales of collective excitations with crystal field is in striking similarity to that of the transition temperatures with pressure as obtained from susceptibility and resistivity anomalies in high-pressure studies.
