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Efficient numerical integration of thermal interaction rates

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 Added by Mikko Laine
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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In many problems in particle cosmology, interaction rates are dominated by ${2}leftrightarrow{2}$ scatterings, or get a substantial contribution from them, given that ${1}leftrightarrow{2}$ and ${1}leftrightarrow{3}$ reactions are phase-space suppressed. We describe an algorithm to represent, regularize, and evaluate a class of thermal ${2}leftrightarrow{2}$ and ${1}leftrightarrow{3}$ interaction rates for general momenta, masses, chemical potentials, and helicity projections. A key ingredient is an automated inclusion of virtual corrections to ${1}leftrightarrow{2}$ scatterings, which eliminate logarithmic and double-logarithmic IR divergences from the real ${2}leftrightarrow{2}$ and ${1}leftrightarrow{3}$ processes. We also review thermal and chemical potential induced contributions that require resummation if plasma particles are ultrarelativistic.

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Many problems in science and engineering require the efficient numerical approximation of integrals, a particularly important application being the numerical solution of initial value problems for differential equations. For complex systems, an equidistant discretization is often inadvisable, as it either results in prohibitively large errors or computational effort. To this end, adaptive schemes have been developed that rely on error estimators based on Taylor series expansions. While these estimators a) rely on strong smoothness assumptions and b) may still result in erroneous steps for complex systems (and thus require step rejection mechanisms), we here propose a data-driven time stepping scheme based on machine learning, and more specifically on reinforcement learning (RL) and meta-learning. First, one or several (in the case of non-smooth or hybrid systems) base learners are trained using RL. Then, a meta-learner is trained which (depending on the system state) selects the base learner that appears to be optimal for the current situation. Several examples including both smooth and non-smooth problems demonstrate the superior performance of our approach over state-of-the-art numerical schemes. The code is available under
63 - G. Jackson , M. Laine 2019
We confront the thermal NLO vector spectral function (both the transverse and longitudinal channel with respect to spatial momentum, both above and below the light cone) with continuum-extrapolated lattice data (both quenched and with $N_{rm f} = 2$, at $T sim 1.2 T_{rm c}$). The perturbative side incorporates new results, whose main features are summarized. The resolution of the lattice data is good enough to constrain the scale choice of $alpha_{rm s}$ on the perturbative side. The comparison supports the previous indication that the true spectral function falls below the resummed NLO one in a substantial frequency domain. Our results may help to scrutinize direct spectral reconstruction attempts from lattice QCD.
179 - Ch. Skokos , E. Gerlach 2010
We present and compare different numerical schemes for the integration of the variational equations of autonomous Hamiltonian systems whose kinetic energy is quadratic in the generalized momenta and whose potential is a function of the generalized positions. We apply these techniques to Hamiltonian systems of various degrees of freedom, and investigate their efficiency in accurately reproducing well-known properties of chaos indicators like the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents (LCEs) and the Generalized Alignment Indices (GALIs). We find that the best numerical performance is exhibited by the textit{`tangent map (TM) method}, a scheme based on symplectic integration techniques which proves to be optimal in speed and accuracy. According to this method, a symplectic integrator is used to approximate the solution of the Hamiltons equations of motion by the repeated action of a symplectic map $S$, while the corresponding tangent map $TS$, is used for the integration of the variational equations. A simple and systematic technique to construct $TS$ is also presented.
233 - Wei Gong , Zoltan Nagy , 2008
One approach to the calculation of cross sections for infrared-safe observables in high energy collisions at next-to-leading order is to perform all of the integrations, including the virtual loop integration, by Monte Carlo numerical integration. In a previous paper, two of us have shown how one can perform such a virtual loop integration numerically after first introducing a Feynman parameter representation. In this paper, we perform the integration directly, without introducing Feynman parameters, after suitably deforming the integration contour. Our example is the N-photon scattering amplitude with a massless electron loop. We report results for N = 6 and N = 8.
The old and still not solved problem of dark atom solution for the puzzles of direct dark matter searches is related with rigorous prove of the existence of a low energy bound state in the dark atom interaction with nuclei. Such prove must involve a self-consistent account of the nuclear attraction and Coulomb repulsion in such interaction. In the lack of usual small parameters of atomic physics like smallness of electromagnetic coupling of the electronic shell or smallness of the size of nucleus as compared with the radius of the Bohr orbit the rigorous study of this problem inevitably implies numerical simulation of dark atom interaction with nuclei. Our approach to such simulations of $OHe-$nucleus interaction involves multi-step approximation to the realistic picture by continuous addition to the initially classical picture of three point-like body problem essential quantum mechanical features.
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