Posterior sampling for inverse imaging problems on the sphere

Abstract in English

Inverse problems defined on the sphere arise in many fields, and are generally high-dimensional and computationally very complex. As a result, sampling the posterior of spherical inverse problems is a challenging task. In this work, we describe a framework that leverages a proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to efficiently sample the high-dimensional space of spherical inverse problems with a sparsity-promoting wavelet prior. We detail the modifications needed for the algorithm to be applied to spherical problems, and give special consideration to the crucial forward modelling step which contains spherical harmonic transforms that are computationally expensive. By sampling the posterior, our framework allows for full and flexible uncertainty quantification, something which is not possible with other methods based on, for example, convex optimisation. We demonstrate our framework in practice on a common problem in global seismic tomography. We find that our approach is potentially useful for a wide range of applications at moderate resolutions.
