Exploiting the relationship between visual and textual features in social networks for image classification with zero-shot deep learning

Abstract in English

One of the main issues related to unsupervised machine learning is the cost of processing and extracting useful information from large datasets. In this work, we propose a classifier ensemble based on the transferable learning capabilities of the CLIP neural network architecture in multimodal environments (image and text) from social media. For this purpose, we used the InstaNY100K dataset and proposed a validation approach based on sampling techniques. Our experiments, based on image classification tasks according to the labels of the Places dataset, are performed by first considering only the visual part, and then adding the associated texts as support. The results obtained demonstrated that trained neural networks such as CLIP can be successfully applied to image classification with little fine-tuning, and considering the associated texts to the images can help to improve the accuracy depending on the goal. The results demonstrated what seems to be a promising research direction.
