Generalized seniority isomers in and around $Z=82$ closed shell: a survey of Hg, Pb and Po isotopes

Abstract in English

In this paper, we investigate the generalized seniority scheme and the validity of Generalized Seniority Schmidt Model in and around the $Z=82$ semi-magic region. A consistently same multi-j configuration is used to explain all the nuclear spectroscopic properties such as $g-$factors, $Q-$moments and $B(E2)$ trends for the ${13/2}^+$, ${12}^+$ and ${33/2}^+$ isomers in all the three Hg, Pb and Po isotopic chains. The inverted parabolic $B(E2)$ trends for the first $2^+$ states in Hg, Pb and Po isotopes are also explained using the generalized seniority scheme. A comparison with the experimental data is presented, wherever possible, and future possibilities are suggested.
